Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Weekly Meal List

This week we have a few things going on so my meal planning is pretty simple.  I'm only making two meals and we're having leftovers of each one.  While I really enjoy cooking I hate doing it when I come home from work when I'm tired and hungry.  This works for me.

Sunday: vegetarian chili

Tuesday: leftover chili

Wednesday: plain brown rice and teriyaki chicken for Hubby, brown rice mixture with kale and veggie stir-fry.  My brown rice mixture is a take on this: http://www.mydailydiner.com/2010/03/not-my-grandmas-brown-rice.html

Thursday: same as Wednesday for me, brown rice and shrimp for Hubby [and maybe an orange if I'm lucky : )]

How do you plan your meals?  Do you grocery shop weekly, monthly, daily, whenever you run out of food?  Or do you plan your meals at all or just eat whatever you feel like that day?


  1. Okay... since you asked!!! I totally plan my meals for the week, but they often don't land on the days that I plan them! I really just set up a menu of about 6 meals. The 7th usually is out or something we come up with on the fly. Since I attempting the pantry challenge (not that successfully) this month, I've been working off what I have in the freezer/cupboard and buying the other necessary items weekly. I am considering using Roseville Butcher shop for all out meat purchases in the future, mainly because their quality is just so much better than the rest, but also because I just love going there... reminds me of my Dad!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Alison! : ) We don't always end up eating the meal planned for each specific day either. I've heard you mention the Roseville Butcher but I've never been there... I should check them out.

    So on your Pantry Challenge... are you not doing so well on the spending or the cleaning out of your pantry/freezer?
