Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week in Review

I've officially survived a week without eating meat.  For the most part.  I must confess that I did slip up but it was totally unintentional.  Last Sunday (yes, that's right... on the 2nd day of the month) I came across a Slim Jim that Jon had given me in my stocking and I just ate it.  Didn't think anything about it.  It was hours later that I realized what I had done.  Crap!  A Slim Jim, really?  Couldn't I have accidently eaten bacon?  Several people have mentioned that a Slim Jim probably doesn't count as meat anyway so I shouldn't worry about it.  But there it is... my meat eating confession.

Anyway, besides the Slim Jim incident, my non-meat eating is going well.  I don't really miss it all that much.  Because I'm cooking mostly meat free at home it hasn't bothered me.  The only time I was really tempted was this morning while making pancakes and bacon for my godson's birthday breakfast.  I really had to remind myself constantly not to eat the bacon.

Surprisingly my carnivorous husband hasn't complained.  He's had meatier versions of the same things I've been eating for the most part.  For example, the night I ate broccoli rice casserole, he had it with some ham added but picked out the broccoli.  So far it's working without a huge amount of effort.  The only thing that is noticeably more challenging is figuring out our meals for the week.  Normally this doesn't take me much time but I'm having to put more effort into in now.

Hubby and I made a slight modification to our eating out rules.  We basically decided they don't count towards lunch at work.  Sort of.  Hubby decided he's going to allow himself to eat out for lunch without it counting towards the six meals out for the month and he can basically do it whenever he wants.  I think that might be a little too loose but it doesn't really have anything to do with me.  I occasionally enjoy lunch out with my lunch buddies at work although it's really rare.  I decided that I can have lunch out with them no more than once a month and it won't count towards the six meals out a month that I can have with Hubby.  They also don't have to be pre-planned.

On that note, I ate out only once this week.  I enjoyed Mr. Pickles for lunch one day.  Some questioned my willingness to pay $6 for a sandwich without meat but it was totally fine with me.  And it was delicious!  I'm still 0 for 6 on the official eating out count.

I'm officially hating eating at the table.  When we're in the habit of doing this it's no big deal but we've been out of the habit for months.  Every day I've begrudgingly sat at the table for dinner, a few times because Hubby insisted.  It's getting better at dinner when we're together but I'm absolutely not sitting at the table when I'm having meals by myself.  Now that I've admitted that I suppose I should cut it out.

Everyday I've found something to be thankful for.  I honestly thought this was going to be really easy but it's way more challenging than I thought.  I figured it would be a cinch but some days it's kind of a pain in the ass.  I don't want to be flippant about it so I'm really trying to come up with something genuine and so far I've come up with something specific to that day.  If I was going to be lazy about it I could just spout off things like I'm thankful for my husband, my family, my friends, my house, my dog, my job, my fill-in-the-blank.  Granted I am thankful for all of those things and a I am thankful for them all the time but I want this to be something unique to the context of each day.

Unfortunately, Hubby and I were sick all week so we never made it to the gym.  I'm bummed out by that but there was no way my pounding head could have handled a treadmill.  Oh well.  We'll be at the gym at o'dark-hundred tomorrow morning.  Yay exercise!

If I keep chanting that do you think I'll believe it?

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